Which of the following is a right description of the gun murder on Boxing Day? [

游客2023-09-16  13

问题 Which of the following is a right description of the gun murder on Boxing Day? [br] Why have criminals of 1980s gone to international drugs trade?

选项 A、Because they are getting old and cannot use modern weapons.
B、Because smuggling drugs is easier than robbing banks.
C、Because international drugs trade is where the money is.
D、Because smuggling drugs is safer than robbing banks.

答案 C

解析 根据题干中gone to international drugs trade,可以定位到文章末段最后3句话。细节题。根据这3句话可知过去人们抢劫银行是因为那里有钱,也就是说能够得到很多钱,那么现在国际毒品交易能够得到钱,于是他们放弃了抢劫,很多老资格的劫匪都转行到了毒品交易。故C正确。