What happened to Mr. Potto Head after it was made as the toy? [br] We can infer

游客2023-09-16  11

问题 What happened to Mr. Potto Head after it was made as the toy? [br] We can infer from this passage that ______.

选项 A、Mr. Potato Head "got married" when he was in his forties
B、Mr. Potato Head was first designed as a toy that can be eaten
C、the non-toy factories began to make Mr. Potato Head toys at last to earn money
D、Mr. Potato Head was nothing more than loved by children nowadays

答案 A

解析 由文章最后一段“土豆头先生40岁生日时…”以及最后一句“他和他的夫人于1996年…”可推断他是在 40多岁时“结婚”的,因此答案为A。当年二战刚结束,人们认为用土豆来做玩具是浪费粮食,由此排除B;文中第三段最后一句提到的非玩具公司获得了使用土豆头先生的形象和名字生产服装等产品的权利,即这些公司最终生产的也不是土豆头先生玩具,故可以排除C;文章最后一段第一句“土豆头先生对老年人和年轻人的吸引力使得他成为很多公益活动理想的大使。”由此看出他不仅吸引孩子,对老年人也具有吸引力,所以排除D。