Which of the following is TRUE according to Para. 1? [br] The author mentions EL

游客2023-09-15  16

问题 Which of the following is TRUE according to Para. 1? [br] The author mentions EL Nino primarily in order to emphasize ______.

选项 A、the brief duration of weather pattern
B、the variability of the mesoscale phenomena
C、the difficulty of measuring the ocean’s large-scale currents
D、the possible impact of mesoscale fields on weather conditions

答案 D

解析 由题干EL Nino primarily in order to emphasize定位到第二段最后一句Mesoscale phenomena may,in fact,play a significant role in oceanic mixing air-sea interactions,and occasional but far-reaching climate events such as EI Nino,the atmospheric-oceanic disturbance in the equatorial Pacific that affects global weather patterns.推断题。该句提到“中等规模现象在海洋的海空交互混合作用和一些偶然的但影响深远的气候现象中起到很大作用,如厄尔尼诺现象.”提到厄尔尼诺的目的是为了强调中等规模现象在影响气候方面的作用,故选D)。[避错]由上分析可知,并非为了强调A)“天气模式的短暂持续”、B)“中等规模现象的多样性”,也不是C)“测量大规模洋流的困难”。