What’s the public’s opinion about nuclear industry? [br] It’s implied that _____

游客2023-09-15  13

问题 What’s the public’s opinion about nuclear industry? [br] It’s implied that ______ .

选项 A、nuclear power stations may become the targets of terrorist attack
B、carbon dioxide is the principal source of greenhouse gas
C、the Bush administration doesn’t give due weight to environment protection
D、nuclear waste will turn to be an environmental threat in the long-run term

答案 C

解析 全文主旨推断题。要求考生认真理解细节,并区别作者明确陈述的观点和间接含蓄的观点。在文章中作者都直截了当地阐述了选项A、B、D中涉及的内容。但在第三段中作者只是含蓄地批评了布什政府的环境政策。(Globai warming is indeed a risk that should be taken more seriously than the Bush administration has so far done.)故选C。