[originaltext]W: I haven’t had much exercise lately. My only recreation bas bee

游客2023-09-14  12

W: I haven’t had much exercise lately. My only recreation bas been watching TV or going to the movies. What do you do for recreation?
M: In summer, I like playing basketball instead of swimming and boating, and my favorite sport is skating.
Q: What’s the man’s favorite sport in summer?

选项 A、Swimming.
B、Playing basketball.
D、Playing volleyball.

答案 B

解析 4个选项都与运动相关,因此本题的问题应该与运动项目有关,对话中提到两项最喜爱的运动项目“Playing basketball in summer,skating in winter”,问题是夏天男土最喜欢的运动项目是什么,很明显应该是 B Playing basketball.