Passage One At Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Queens, he was known a
Passage One At Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Queens, he was known a
Passage One
At Benjamin N. Cardozo High School in Queens, he was known as Matthew Kaye, an earnest social studies teacher shepherding his ninth-and tenth-grade students across the panorama of global history. But out of school-on the professional wrestling circuit- he was Matt Striker, a muscleman known for a move called the lung blower.
His double life may have body-slammed ins teaching career.
According to city investigators, Mr. Kaye, 31, falsely called in sick for 11 days in December and February when he was actually on the wrestling tour. Faced with disciplinary action, Mr. Kaye resigned in April, but yesterday be said that he hoped to get ins job back
"There are people out there who touch children inappropriately who are still allowed to work, "Mr. Kaye said in a telephone interview. "The only thing I did was I put in sick days instead of personal days, because I didn’t know them was a difference."
But Richard J. Condon, the special commissioner of investigation for the city schools, said it was not that simple. Teachers get 10 sick days a year and only 3 of those can he used for personal business.
Investigators from Mr. Condon’s office said a woman who identified herself as Mr. Kaye’s mother called Cardozo in December and said that he was out because of a family emergency. Mr. Kaye later told an assistant principal at the school flat his sister was ill.
Then Mr. Kaye was absent in February, when wrestling Web sites said that he appeared on die television show "Smack Down!" in a match against Kurt Angle.
Investigators sought to interview Mr. Kaye, but his lawyer canceled the session and Mr. Kaye resigned.
Mr. Kaye eventually provided two notes from doctors for his absences. But investigators questioned their validity and urged the State Health Department’s Office of Professional Medical Conduct to investigate and take action.
Passage Two
The evidence of dietary protection against cancer is strongest and most consistent for diets high in vegetables and fruits, according to an earlier report by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF).
The WCRF panel of experts concluded that the daily consumption of 400 grains or more of a variety of vegetables and fruits could, irrespective of other diet and lifestyle patterns, decrease overall cancer incidence by at least 20 per cent, according to the Asia Food Information Centre.
There is convincing evidence that diets high in vegetables and fruits protect against cancers of the mouth and pharynx, oesophagus, lung, stomach, rectum, larynx, pancreas, breast and bladder. High dietary fiber is also associated with lower risk of some cancers, especially bowel cancer.
The recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is 25-30 grams for a healthy adult. This can only be achieved by incorporating high fiber foods such as whole grains, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds into eating patterns every day and/or using a bran supplement.
Adequate fruit and vegetable intake has a protective effect, helping ward off chronic diseases while helping to elevate resistance to infections disease and reduce nutritional deficiencies. Fruit and vegetables actively promote health by providing bodies with essential vitamins, nutrients, fiber and a myriad of phytochemicals (植物化学物质) which acts as antioxidants (抗氧化剂 in the body. Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals that accelerate the process of cell decay and increase the chances of cells becoming cancerous.
Four hundred grams of fruits and vegetables per person per day (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) for the prevention of chronic diseases translates to approximately "5-a-day" that is, eating five or more servings of fruit and vegetables every day.
One serving is roughly the amount that fits into the palm of a cupped hand. Obviously, those of smaller body size will need to consume less than 400grams daily, so the 5-a-day cupped handful works as a guideline or children, young people and their parents, as well as smaller adults.
[br] The word "shepherding" (Line 2, Para. 1) means studying.
词汇理解题。“shepherding”作动词义为“引导,带领”,A)“instructing”(指导,教书);B)“traveling” (旅游):C)“studying”(学习);D)“defending”(防卫)。其中A最接近,因此选A。
下列属于稳压泵不能正常启动的原因是()。A.稳压泵启泵压力设定不正确 B.稳
A.两杆均内侧受拉 B.两杆均外侧受拉 C.a杆内侧受拉,b杆外侧受拉 D
不适合脑脊髓液穿刺检查适应证的是A.中枢神经系统疾病椎管内给药治疗 B.脑瘤合
主要表现为收缩性心力衰竭的非特异性心肌病是A.原发扩张型心肌病 B.肥厚型
培训项目的开发与管理中,培训项目材料包括()。A.课程描述 B.课程的具体计
原发性肺结核好发于( )。A.下叶后基底段 B.上叶后段或下叶上段 C.上
根据第三版巴塞尔资本协议的要求,储备资本要求为( )。A.1% B.2%
下列质量数据特征值中,用来描述数据离散趋势的是( )。A.极差 B.中位数