Many of the workers who served at the World Trade Center after the September
Many of the workers who served at the World Trade Center after the September
Many of the workers who served at the World Trade Center after the September eleventh attacks became sick. They breathed a harmful mix of dust, smoke and chemicals in the ruins of the Twin Towers and a third building that fell. Some went clays without good protection for their lungs. Five years later, many of the thousands who worked at Ground Zero in the early days after the attacks still have health problems.
Doctors at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City have announced the results of the largest study of these workers. The study confirmed high rates of breathing problems in members of the building trades, firefighters, police officers and other workers. Almost seventy percent of the workers in the study had a new or worsened breathing problem. These problems developed during or after their time working in the mountain of wreckage. About sixty percent still had breathing problems at the time of their examination. The researchers say they decided to study the effects on breathing first because other disorders might be slower to appear. Mount Sinai says it tested almost twelve thousand people between two thousand two and two thousand four. Eight out often of them agreed to have their results used in the report. The new results added strength to a Mount Sinai study released in two thousand four. That study was based on only about one thousand workers.
Some lawmakers have sharply criticized city and state officials for letting workers labor at Ground Zero without satisfactory equipment. Officials have also been criticized for saying the air was relatively safe. State and federal officials have promised more than fifty million dollars to pay for treatment of the workers. Doctor Robin Herbert is one of the directors of the Mount Sinai testing program. She says people are still coming to the hospital for treatment of problems that were caused by the dust at Ground Zero. In her words:" My worry is that money will be gone in a year, and what happens then?" [br] The researchers decided to study the effects on breathing first because __________ might appear in a later period of time.
other disorders
下列抗癫痫药,同时具有抗心律失常作用的是A、地西泮 B、乙琥胺 C、托吡酯
急腹症诊断不明时应慎用A、中草药 B、胃动力药 C、吗啡 D、抗炎药 E
A.0 B.9π C.3π D.
下列选项中,通常不用于反映银行经营安全性指标的是()。A.资本充足率 B.拔
回归方程的拟合优度的判定系数R2为()。A.0.1742 B.0.1483
选择会谈的内容时,应该使之适合()A.咨询师的职业兴趣 B.咨询师的
男性,59岁,高热、咳嗽、胸闷二天。诊断: A.右中叶肺癌 B.右中叶肺炎