[originaltext] Everyone knows about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but
[originaltext] Everyone knows about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but
Everyone knows about the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but (29) nowadays the romantic red uniform jacket is only worn on special occasions, and the famous horses are rarely seen. So the "Mountie", as a member of this police force is known, is not, in fact, often mounted except on a powerful motor-cycle. (30)He is a member of a very modern and efficient organization.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police has responsibility for an enormous area, from the U.S. border up to the vast ice-fields and frozen lakes. (30)A mountie may work in the Headquarters building in Ottawa. He may pilot a patrol plane across the snow-deserts in the north. He may be doing customs work at the frontier. He may be in plain clothes watching for s suspicious character at an airport, or he may simply be driving a patrol-car.
There are more than ten thousand men in this force, and it was one of these who was responsible for the arrest of James Earl Ray. Police all over the world were looking for Ray after the murder of Martin Luther King. In June 1968, a group of policemen in Canada were doing routine work with applications for passports. Suddenly one man noticed a photo which looked very much like Ray. The name was different, but the resemblance was so strong that (31) the police started to investigate. They discovered that the man had already gone to Britain. The photograph and the finger-prints were sent to the British police, who arrested Ray at London Airport, when he was just going to get on a plane for Brussels. The murder that had shocked the world was solved by a mountie on Ottawa.
A、A Royal Canadian Mounted Police happened to notice him on the street.
B、3. Royal Canadian Mounted Police recognized Ray’s photo and started to investigate.
C、The British Police was informed and Ray was found at London Airport.
D、Royal Canadian Mounted Police and British Police worked together to arrest him.
文中提到“the police started to investigate. They discovered that the man had already gone to Britain. The photograph and the finger-prints were sent to the British police, who arrested Ray at London Airport”加拿大骑警对某张照片表示怀疑并开始侦查,他们发现该嫌疑人已经前往英国。于是把照片和指纹发往英国警方,最后
论决策支持系统的开发与应用 决策支持系统(DecisionSupportS
男性泌尿系统的组成不包括()。A.肾 B.输尿管 C.膀胱 D.阴茎
苦味药具有的作用是A.清热 B.通泄 C.润养 D.坚阴 E.燥湿
在编制人工消耗定额时,需拟定定额的编制方案,该编制方案的内容应包括 ()o
神经细胞动作电位上升支形成的离子基础是A.K外流 B.Ca内流 C.Na内流
治疗指数是指A、ED50/LD50 B、LD50/ED50 C、比值越大,药
急性肾小球肾炎时的高血压主要是由于 A.肾素分泌增加,肾素-血管紧张素系统活性