[originaltext]M: Please raise your head a little bit and hold your umbrella and

游客2023-09-08  13

M: Please raise your head a little bit and hold your umbrella and give me a smile. You look so beautiful. Shall I press the shutter?
W: Wait a second. Let me fix my hair a little.
Q:What are the speakers doing?
M:I really want to buy that hyper-thin laptop,but I don’t have enough money this month.
W:Well.I had told you to budget your money better.If you listened to me,you are able to buy it.
Q:What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The man has little money to spend every month.
B、The man is not careful enough in spending his money.
C、She doesn’t think that laptop is worth buying.
D、She will lend money to the man to buy that laptop.

答案 B

解析 对话中,男士说他想买那台超薄笔记本电脑,但是他这个月没钱了。女士说她以前就告诉他要更好地计划自己的收支,如果他听进去了的话,现在就买得起了。故本题答案为B。