[originaltext]W:Henry, you’re so out of it today. Does runner-up hit you So har

游客2023-09-07  11

W:Henry, you’re so out of it today. Does runner-up hit you So hard?
M:Oh, no, it’s no big deal. Anyway, I got an offer from the publisher and that’s all I can think about.
Q:What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
W:Oh, no! It’s after seven o’clock and I promised Susan I’d meet her in front of her office right at six:
M:You’d better cook up a good story or you’ll be in big trouble.
Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?

选项 A、Cook Susan’s favorite food.
B、Buy a small gift for Susan.
C、Make a good excuse.
D、Get to Susan’s office immediately.

答案 C

解析 请求建议题。女士答应过Susan六点整在Susan办公室前见面的,现在时间已经过了七点,显然时间来不及了。男士建议女士最好是编个好一点的理由,否则她就惨了。C)是对男士话中cook up a good story“编造理由”的同义转述,因此为正确答案。