How badly has the great recession struck America? The headline jobless figur
How badly has the great recession struck America? The headline jobless figur
How badly has the great recession struck America? The headline jobless figure of 9.5% is bad enough but does not begin to convey the problem as it fails to measure those who have stopped looking for work. Over the past three months alone more than a million Americans have fallen into that category: effectively giving up hope of finding a job and dropping out of the official statistics. Such cases now number some 5.9 million and their ranks are likely to grow.
There is a new name for those falling down the black hole of joblessness that has opened up in America’s economy, the 99ers, a moniker (绰号) no one wants. It refers to the 99 weeks of benefits that the jobless can qualify for in America. Government cash helps those laid off keep a tenuous (贫乏的) grip on a normal life. It keeps a roof over their heads, pays a phone bill, puts food on a table and petrol in a car. But once the 99 weeks are up the payments stop—as is happening now for millions of people—and they are 99ers. For many, that moment represents the moment of destitution.
But who are they? Despite political attempts to paint them as feckless or job-shy, they are usually anything but. The 99ers are people like Anne Strauss, 58, who spent 35 years working as a public relationship professional. Despite spending every day hunting for work, she has not had a job since June 2008. She and her husband are now living on credit cards watching debts mount as they stare into the abyss (无底洞). "Looking for a job is the hardest I have ever worked," she said with a smile that conveyed no humor or happiness, only the deep stress that is common to many 99ers.
Meeting 99ers is to tap into a deep well of anger at lives that have been knocked off course, shattering the enduring vision of the American dream that many had felt they had achieved. Just take Donna Faiella, a 53-year-old New Yorker who spent 28 years working in film post-production and video-editing. She was successful and had a career. Now she is desperate for a job, any job. But she cannot find one. "I will do anything. I will sweep floors." Joblessness has eaten away at her sense of identity. "I feel like we are worthless. We are lost in the world." With one week of benefits to go, her 99 weeks will be up. She will be a 99er. [br] The 99ers refers to the jobless in America who are qualified for______ .
the 99 weeks of benefits
下列关于实收资本(股本)及其核算的表述中,正确的有( )。A.公司法定盈余公积
按照指标变量的性质和数列形态的不同,时间序列可以分为( )。 Ⅰ.平稳性时间
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案例二: 一般资料:求助者,女性,27岁,本科学历,公司职员。 案例介绍:求
隔离栅的作用有()。A.隔离公路用地 B.防止非法占用公路用地 C.隔离影
人工费的索赔一般包括()。A、不可抗力导致的人员窝工费 B、停工损失费 C
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