[originaltext]W: Well,hello,Jack! Have you moved or something? You haven’t been

游客2023-09-04  10

W: Well,hello,Jack! Have you moved or something? You haven’t been around much lately,have you?
M: No,I’ve been away on vacation. I went to California to stay with my brother for a few weeks.
Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?
W: What kind of pizza do you like and what toppings do you like on it?
M: I’ll have a half-and-half. I want a thick crust with sausage,chili, and green onions on one half, and mushrooms,bacon,and olives on the other. Also, I’d like extra cheese on it.
Q: What kind of pizza does the man order?

选项 A、A half-and-half pizza with extra amount of toppings.
B、A specialized pizza with a thin crust and extra cheese.
C、A customized pizza without onions and green olives.
D、A half meat-lovers and half vegetarian pizza.

答案 A

解析 男士说他想要一份各占一半的披萨,一边要厚皮的,含有香肠、辣椒、青洋葱;一边要蘑菇、培根和橄榄。多加点儿奶酪。故答案为A)。