Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay

游客2023-09-04  11

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short essay entitled Pressure in Modern Life.  You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 现代生活充满压力;


答案                                    Pressure in Modern Life
    People are faced with more and more pressure in modem life. Adults have to compete with one another for better jobs, higher pays, desirable prizes and opportunities of promotion. Even small children have to compete in order to obtain opportunities to receive better education. Therefore, life in the modem society is quite stressful.
    Although pressure can motivate people to make greater efforts in their work and study, it does a lot of harm to people’s physical and psychological health. For example, people easily get tired under pressure. And constant pressure contributes to many other negative aspects of mental state, such as irritability, tension, gloominess, restlessness, etc.
    It is necessary to relax yourself and get rid of the negative consequences of pressure. For example, when you are having too much pressure, it is advisable to listen to some light music or take part in some sports activities. It is also helpful to talk to a close friend about what is on your mind, or take a trip so that your attention can be diverted from the task for some time. All these activities can help you to reduce pressure and handle tasks more effectively and efficiently.

解析 写作指导:
   本文第一段适合使用举例法,说明现代生活中人们要承受哪些压力。第二段要注意从身心两方面(Physically and psychologically)说明压力的影响,因为第三段要谈如何缓解压力,故在此应侧重负面影响,而对正面影响可以一带而过。第三段提出解决方法。注意各段的主题句要清晰、明确。