Adult education develops fast recently partly because ______. [br] It can has in

游客2023-09-01  15

问题 Adult education develops fast recently partly because ______. [br] It can has inferred from the passage that ______.

选项 A、adult education has a short history of about two hundred years
B、in Chautauqua movement people called for rights on studying beyond formal education
C、in the early development phase of adult education, it was funded by the government
D、the Office of Vocational and Adult Education is not the only federal institute in supporting adult education

答案 D

解析 文中最后一段末句Other major federal providers of adult education点明The Office of Vocation al and Adult Education并非唯一和成人教育有关的联邦政府机构,和D吻合。开篇提到直到两个世纪前成人教育才acquired definite organization,但并不说明之前成人教育根本不存在,故排除A;文中没有对Chautauqua movement进行详细的说明,但考生不难从第二段前两句推测出这场运动肯定与具体的教学实践有关,而在此之前,成人教育已经在美国出现了,故可排除B;C在原文中未涉及,可直接排除。