[originaltext]M: I guess we’ll have a hot summer again.W: I know. Last summer

游客2023-08-31  12

M: I guess we’ll have a hot summer again.
W: I know. Last summer was mild. Do you remember our first summer here? The temperature stayed about 100 degrees Fahrenheit for ten straight days. There wasn’t a breeze anywhere.
Q: What does the woman say about their first summer?

选项 A、It was mild.
B、It was humid.
C、It was hot.
D、It was cool.

答案 C

解析 对话中女士提到…our first summer here…100 degrees Fahrenheit for ten straight days. There wasn’t a breeze anywhere(……我们在这里度过的第一个夏天……连续十天温度保持在华氏100度。哪儿都没有一丝风),即他们在这里度过的第一个夏天的天气很热,故答案为[C]。ten straight days意为“连续10天”;[A]是Last summer的天气情况,听清问题即可排除。