[originaltext]W: Roger and I would like to go to a movie tonight. Have you seen

游客2023-08-29  19

W: Roger and I would like to go to a movie tonight. Have you seen any good ones lately?
M: saw "The Last Explorer" last night. It’s great. It’s about the highest waterfall in the world. Angel Falls.
Q: What did the man say about the movie?
W: That’s a nice computer. Its software is especially wonderful.
M: The problem is how to utilize it.
Q: What are they discussing?

选项 A、How to buy a good computer.
B、How to borrow a computer from the company.
C、The price of the computer.
D、The newly-bought computer.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。对话中女士说:“这是一台不错的电脑,特别是它的软件。”男士回答The problem is how to utilize it.(问题是如何使用它。)由此可见,他们正在讨论新买的电脑,D是正确答案。