Starvation of the spirit cannot be seen on the scale or in the bottom of a t

游客2023-08-29  14

问题     Starvation of the spirit cannot be seen on the scale or in the bottom of a toilet bowl. It lurks in the hollow eyes of a person who is slowly giving up on life. If I learned one thing at the clinic, it is that the greatest damage eating disorders do is mental: they are a cancer of the soul. It’s not about how much you weigh, even though that’s what you think about constantly. Becoming very thin is really just a symptom — the sickest person is not always the skinniest. Like addictions, restriction is used to numb the pain, to gain a sense of control, power and relief. The depression, fear and hopelessness ache far more than a bony body.

    Eating disorders are abusive, selfish and deadly but the media glamorizes them by giving them attention, even when showing a bony model on the verge of death. I have seldom come across a truly honest article about the emotional and mental burden of loss of appetite and bulimia(暴食症). Instead, it’s a strange show: look how skinny so-and-so got, look at the bones and the loose clothing and the sad feeding tubes snaking through their noses. "Horrible," we say when we hear about self-induced vomiting or week-long fasts, but later I overhear the dull conversations in the girls’ bathroom: "I wish I had that kind of willpower." It’s sick. In America, we hold up weight-loss, rather than health, as achievement.
    Each week, someone presented a timeline of her life to the whole group. Some patients were in their early teens, and couldn’t see why their behavior was harmful. Others were in their 20s, telling stories of broken families and unsuccessful treatment. The story that most deeply affected me, however, was that of a 40-year-old woman who had spent her life fighting against anorexia(厌食症). She was no longer skinny: her eating disorder had caused a thyroid(甲状腺的)condition that made her overweight. She had lost everything to her illness. She migrated from one treatment facility to the next, in the hospital in-between, searching for something to make her whole. She had a very successful career, but she spent every night alone. She was smart, kind, funny and lively, but anorexia masked these qualities and sent her into despair. Now she sat among young girls just starting life, but already tortured by sickness. "I am your worst nightmare, " she said. "Don’t be like me. "
    Anorexia and bulimia kill, but the decay of the soul and mind and personality is the worst part. Beyond the magazine covers and twiggy bodies lie damaged people, hoping for a new life. An anorexic is a paper doll, a cardboard cutout of a human being. Look for the person stooped behind the false front, and give her a hug. She needs it. [br] What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?

选项 A、The media advocates eating disorders.
B、Many bony models are at risk of death.
C、Many people focus on eating disorders.
D、There are many incorrect attitudes towards eating disorders.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。第二段举了媒体对节食的美化,人们的种种节食举措,这些都反映了社会存在的对节食的不正确的态度,[D]项正确。其他三项都是表面的现象,不能概括全段的意思.