
游客2023-08-28  33

问题     中国2010年汽车销售量增长幅度超过32%,达到1086万辆。这是中国这个世界上最大汽车市场创下的一个新记录,远远超过了美国。中国汽车工业协会星期一表示,去年12月销量比一年前增加17.9%,达到167万辆。该协会预计,中国政府把小汽车的销售税提高到10%,以及北京市削减今年允许的新车登记数量之后,中国2011年的汽车销售和生产增长速度都将更为平稳。分析师预计,国内汽车市场在未来10—15年里会以10%一15%的速度增长,这个增长速度是健康发展的正常速度。


答案     Chinese auto sales rose more than 32 percent in 2010 to 18.06 million units far surpassing those of the United States — a new record for the world’s largest car market. The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said Monday that sales in December rose 17.9 percent from a year earlier to 1.67 million units. The group predicted that sales and production would grow at a steadier pace in 2011, after the government raised the sales tax for small cars to 10 percent and Beijing slashed the number of new registrations allowed in the capital this year. Analysts expect that the domestic automobile market will grow at 10 to 15 percent annually on average during the next five to 10 years, saying that’s a reasonable rate for healthy development.
