
游客2023-08-28  29

问题     网络教育在中国发展得十分缓慢,尽管这个国家拥有全世界最多的网民,并且拥有最大的智能手机市场。上市教育公司因为在募集稳定的现金流方面面临压力,所以在投资互联网运营这一块进行得很慢。另一个原因是中国的教育系统本身。中国的应试教育意味着比起美国教育系统的广泛兴趣教育和经常寻求不同的学习风格,中国对于互动学习的需求很低。在中国,帮助应试和找工作的传统项目仍是最受欢迎的。


答案     Online education has been slow to catch on in China even though the country has the world’s largest Internet user base and is the world’s largest smartphone market. Listed educational companies, facing pressure to generate steady cash flows, have been slow to invest in their online operations. Another reason is China’s education system itself. The country’s focus on tests means there is less need for interactive learning than in the U.S. system, which cultivates a wide range of interests and often seeks to accommodate different learning styles. In China, traditional programs that help with exams and job searches are still the most popular.
