[originaltext]M: Do you mind if 1 put on some music? It helps me relax while I’

游客2023-08-27  15

M: Do you mind if 1 put on some music? It helps me relax while I’m studying.
W: Well. do you have to? I’m having a hard time concentrating on this chapter as it is.
Q: What does the woman imply?
M: Now that you have finished writing your thesis,  do you think you will have time to sit back and take it easy? Maybe take a little bit vacation?
W: Believe me . that’s exactly what I intend to do.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、Writing her thesis was easier than she thought it would be.
B、She intends to work on her thesis during her vacation.
C、She intentionally chose an easy topic to write about.
D、She plans to spend some time relaxing.

答案 D

解析 男士说女士论文已完成,问她是否有空休息放松,度个假,女士说这正是她所打算的.可知她计划花些时间来放松,故选D)项。sit back意为“放松,休息”。