[originaltext]W: Well, I’d say that nearly everyone watches the news on TV—if t

游客2023-08-27  15

W: Well, I’d say that nearly everyone watches the news on TV—if they’re above a certain age. I have to say when I was younger I never watched the news.
M: No, I used to hate the news. (19)I used to get really bored when my parents put it on.
W: But now I’m quite interested to hear what’s going on.
M: I don’t actually watch the news—I prefer to listen to it on the radio, but I think that’s fairly unusual.
W: Mmm. Yeah, I think I’d rather watch it on TV.
M: I think it gets pretty depressing if you watch it—(20)there’s so much bad news. I think they cover much more bad news than good news—and I don’t want to watch about wars and famines and things like that.
W: OK, now we’ve got newspapers. I would say quite a few people read these, (21)but I think people tend to read the newspapers that agree with their political opinions.
M: And we can also get news from the Internet—there are lots of radio stations and programs you can listen to on the Internet.
M: You can just find out anything.
W: Yeah, absolutely anything—Wikipedia, and all the social networking sites and stuff.
M: And at least with the Internet people have a huge choice.
W: (22)But don’t forget the banner ads.
19. Q: How did the man like the news before?
20. Q: Why doesn’t the man watch news on TV?
21. Q: What kind of newspapers do people tend to read according to the woman?
22. Q: What problems does the woman point out when talking about using the Internet?

选项 A、TV reports too much bad news.
B、TV provides too many ads.
C、He has no time to watch TV.
D、He considers it a waste of time.

答案 A

解析 女士说自己喜欢从电视上看新闻,而男士说因为电视上有太多的坏消息,所以会让人觉得很沮丧,因而自己不看,故A)项正确。