[originaltext]W: Maybe we should take Front Street this morning. The radio anno

游客2023-08-28  15

W: Maybe we should take Front Street this morning. The radio announcer said that traffic was very heavy on the freeway.
M: Well, if he says to take Front Street we should go the other way!
Q: What does the man mean?
W: So you are going to spend your winter vacation in London?
M: Oh, anywhere but London! We want to see the country itself, not just the modern capital.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

选项 A、The man will not go anywhere but London.
B、The man will not spend his winter vacation in London.
C、The man wants to see the modern capital.
D、The man will not have winter vacation this year.

答案 B

解析 女士问男士是否打算在伦敦度过寒假,而男士回答“伦敦以外的任何地方”,可见他不打算在伦敦度假,B正确。