[originaltext]W: Please sit down, sir. What can I do for you?M: I’d like to di

游客2023-08-26  8

W: Please sit down, sir. What can I do for you?
M: I’d like to discuss a mortgage, for a house.
W: Fine. Are you buying a house or are you refinancing your present home?
M:[22]I’m planning to buy a house. And I’d like to find out about a mortgage. I’m a customer of this bank. As a matter of fact, my whole family banks here.
W: I have some questions to ask. Do you own your house or do you rent?
M: Neither.[23]I live with my parents.
W: How old are you? And what do you do?
M: I’m Twenty nine.[24]I shoot pictures for a newspaper.
W: Did you bring any savings or salary information? Last year’s tax forms?
M: Yes, here they are. Do you think I can get a loan?
W: Well, it depends. Do you own any other property? Any stocks or bonds?
M: No. Why is that necessary?
W: Since you don’t have enough income, and you don’t really own any property, the bank needs to be sure you can pay the mortgage every month, Ok, what …what kind of house did you have in mind?
M: I am keen on a two-bedroom house in Mount Kisco. Here are the financial details on the house.
W: Thank you, sir. We’ll read this over carefully.
M: Thank you.
22.What does the man plan to do?
23.What is the man’s living status?
24. What is the man’s occupation?
25. Why does the woman ask the man to provide other property like stocks or bonds?

选项 A、Sell his house.
B、Exchange his house.
C、Rent a house.
D、Buy a house.

答案 D

解析 细节题。对话开头处,女士问男士是准备买房还是为现在的房子重新贷款,男士回答是打算买房(planning to buy a house),由此可知答案为[D]。