The SAT Writing Test has the effect to make students think more about the need t

游客2023-12-31  7

问题 The SAT Writing Test has the effect to make students think more about the need to write effectively.

选项 A、in making
B、by making
C、of making
D、to making

答案 C

解析    (1)画线部分错误分析。
   本题的考点为effect的搭配。effect作可数名词时,意为“影响,结果,效果”,常用搭配是effect on sb./sth.和have the effect of doing sth.;作动词时,意为“使发生,实现,引起”,其后直接跟宾语,不加任何介词。本题用了动词不定式to make,属于搭配错误。
   本题中,因为effect的常见搭配为have the effect of doing sth.,故选项C正确。
   ①bring/put sth.into effect使生效;实行;实施。
   e.g.The recommendations will soon be put into effect.
   ②come into effect生效;开始实施。
   e.g.New controls come into effect next month.
   ③take effect开始起作用;见效。
   e.g.The aspirins soon take effect.
   注:effect的复数effects的意思是one’s personal possessions“(个人)财产,所有物,财物”,相当于belongings。
   e.g.The insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects.