[originaltext]M: I’ve just found the most useful device at the new outdoor stor

游客2023-08-26  14

M: I’ve just found the most useful device at the new outdoor store — a water purifier.
W: A water purifier? You want to carry even more equipment with you on our hiking trip?
M: If it’s light in weight and gave work, yes! And this one fits that description.
W: Really? I’d bet it takes up a lot of room.
M: Not at all. It’s a straw, much like the one you use to drink a soda water or a milkshake.
W: Really? That is small.
M: Yeah, it’s plastic and has a series of mineral and chemical filters that strains harmful microbes from water.
W: It’s fantastic, but can it filter the germs out of the stagnant pond water or water from lakes and streams?
M: Yes,[20]it makes the water entirely germfree.
W: But what about salt or chemical pollutants that might be in the water? Can it clean those out?
M: No, it can’t remove salt and chemicals. But those are not really major concerns when we’re out hiking and camping.
W: Mm. . . How long will a straw last?
M: For about 100 gallons, but don’t worry about measuring that large amount of water. There is a built-in safety device.[21]The mineral and chemical filters become clogged long before the limit is reached and the straw stops drawing water.
W: I think I’ll go to get one for my camping trip this weekend.
19. How does the man describe the water purifier?
20. What can the water purifier remove from the water?
21. What shows that the water purifier is going to lose effectiveness?

选项 A、The water it draws changes color.
B、The straw stops drawing water.
C、The straw breaks into two parts.
D、Its light isn’t working.

答案 B

解析 细节题。对话结尾处,女士对净水器的寿命提出疑问,男士说净水器内部的安全装置会在过滤器到达净化极限前堵塞(clogged),从而使吸管不再吸水(stops drawing water),故答案为[B]。