
游客2023-08-25  14

问题 王安石,北宋宰相、政治家、文学家、江西临川人。1042年,王安石考中进士,踏上了仕途,从此积极投身于改革大业。他曾给宋仁宗写了一封万字的谏书(remonstrance),主张朝廷全面改革法度,却没有得到重视。直到宋神宗时,王安石才得以有计划制定新的法度,大刀阔斧地展开以富国强兵为目的的变法运动。这就是中国历史上著名的“王安石变法”。


答案 Born in Linchuan, Jiangxi province, Wang Anshi was a statesman, poet and prose writer in the Song Dynasty. In 1042, Wang Anshi outstood others in the feudal exam and became a Jinshi, marking his first step in his political career and the beginning of his commitment to the reform. He once wrote a remonstrance of ten thousand characters to Emperor Renzong, advocating an all-out reform of the feudal laws and systems. The letter, however, was neglected. It was not until the reign of Emperor Shenzong that he finally got the opportunity to carry out the reform aimed to strengthen the country’s power. This is the famous “Wang Anshi’s Reform” in the Chinese history.
