[originaltext]M: I’m thinking of moving nearer to the university. Do you think

游客2023-08-25  22

M: I’m thinking of moving nearer to the university. Do you think you can help?
W: Well, I guess one thing I can do is to ask around for you and see if anyone has the vacancy. But as far as I can remember, you moved into the student’s dorm only three months ago. How do you like it so far?
M: Forget it. I just can’t concentrate in the dorm. You see, I’ve got four essays to do. But how can I concentrate with everyone else talking.. .playing cards.. .and... practicing guitar?
W: Well, you could work in the university library.
M: I could, yes. That’s perfectly true. But you know I not only need to sit down and write, I also need to think. And to think, I need to be able to wander around, smoke, be on my own, be sort of free to do as I like.
W: How many students share your dorm room?
M: Living here in this dorm with how many others? — Five. There are constant interruptions. You’re okay —there’s only one person sharing your room.
W: Don’t believe it’s totally ideal. It’s anything but ideal for a quiet life.
M: I can’t just tell the others to shut up. They have their rights, too.
W: Perhaps you should look for a small apartment of your own. Mind you, it’ll cost a lot more than the dorm rent you’re paying at the moment.
M: I know, but I have to move out.
W: Wait a minute, have you thought of.. .of asking at the university accommodation office? They should know of some available apartments.
M: Ah.. .Right. I should have thought of that in the first place.
Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9. What do we know from the conversation about the man?
10. Why does the man want to move out of the student’s dorm?
11. How many people live together in the dorm?
12. What is the man’s final decision?

选项 A、The apartment is cheaper than the dorm.
B、Smoking is forbidden in the dorm.
C、The dorm is too noisy for him to write his essays.
D、He can’t get along with his roommates.

答案 C

解析 选项中的apartment is cheaper,dorm is…noisy和can’t get along with his roommates表明,本题可能考查男士想搬出学生宿舍的原因。对话中男士提到,他有四篇论文要完成,但寝室里有人谈话,有人打牌,还有人练吉他,由此可知,他想搬出寝室的真正原因是寝室太吵了,故答案为C)。A)与对话中的it’ll cost a lot more than the dorm rent意思相反,故排除。对话中只谈到图书馆内不能吸烟,并没有提到寝室内不允许吸烟,故排除B)。