中国汉字是从图画、符号逐渐演变形成的。中国历代都有大书法家,其书法艺术和风格成为所在朝代书法的典型代表。不同于西方的油画(oil painting),中

游客2023-08-24  32

问题     中国汉字是从图画、符号逐渐演变形成的。中国历代都有大书法家,其书法艺术和风格成为所在朝代书法的典型代表。不同于西方的油画(oil painting),中国的传统绘画有独特的表现形式。由于最早的绘画和写字均使用同样的工具,并且都是以线条为主,故有“书画同源”之说。中国传统绘画作品一般都有题诗或题字,诗、书、画因而汇合成一个艺术整体,予人以更加丰厚的美学内涵(aesthetic connotation)。人物画、山水画和花鸟画均为传统绘画的重要画种。


答案     Chinese characters evolve from pictures and signs. Every dynasty has its great calligraphers whose styles come to symbolize their ages. Different from Western oil painting, traditional Chinese painting is characterized by unique forms of expression. Since similar tools are used to draw the lines of the earliest painting and writing, painting and calligraphy are said to share the same origins. Chinese paintings usually include poetry or calligraphy, thus the three are integrated, providing a richer aesthetic connotation. Figure, landscape and flower-and-bird paintings are major traditional painting genres.

解析 1.第一句中,“逐渐演变”可以用短语evolve from表示。
2.第二句中,“大书法家”可以译为great calligraphers,译文中用whose引导一个限制性定语从句,将两个中文句子合二为一。
3.第三句中,“不同于……”可以用短语Different from表示。
4.第四句中,“书画同源”可以译为painting and calligraphy are said to share the same origins。
5.第五句中,“予人以更加丰厚的美学内涵”可以使用现在分词结构,译为providing a richer aestheticconnotation。
6.第六句中,“人物画、山水画和花鸟画”可以译为figure,landscape and flower-and-bird paintings。