Women who exercise in pregnancy boost the brain development of their newborn

游客2023-08-24  14

问题     Women who exercise in pregnancy boost the brain development of their newborn babies, according to researchers who claim the effect could benefit children for the rest of their lives. Babies’ brains showed more mature patterns of activity, linked to better in later life, when their mothers took at least three 20-minute sessions of moderate exercise a week. The early stage findings are the first from a randomized controlled trial in humans to show that a pregnant mother’s exercise routine could have such an impact on her baby’s brain.
    "We know exercise is good for all kinds of things in pregnancy. It makes mothers feel better, gives them more control over their weight gain, and also has an impact on their child’s weight gain in life. We’re saying here’s an added bonus, that exercise gives your child a head-start in brain development," said Elise Labonte-LeMoyne at the University of Montreal.
    Women joined her study in their first trimester and were randomly assigned to either an exercise or a sedentary(久坐的)control group. The 10 women in the exercise group cycled, walked, ran or swam for three short sessions a week, pushing themselves hard enough to get only slightly out of breath. The eight women in the sedentary group were told not to exercise.
    In the 8 to 12 days after the babies were born, the researchers measured their brain activity. Using a cap covered with 124 electrodes, they recorded EEG(脑电图)while they played sleeping babies a series of beeps interspersed with different sounds. Even though the babies were asleep, patterns in their brain activity showed how efficiently they could discriminate between old and novel sounds. More developed brains find the task easier than less mature ones.
    "The babies born from mothers who were physically active have a more mature cerebral activation, suggesting that their brains developed more rapidly." " This is important to look at this stage in their development, because the ability to discriminate sounds is the basis of learning to speak and to understand the sounds around you," said Labonte-LeMoyne, who described the study at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in San Diego.
    A 2008 Danish study found that exercising had almost no effect on the size of a woman’s baby, but reduced the risk of the baby being small or large for its gestational age(胎龄). The National Health Service(NHS)advises pregnant women to avoid contact sports, and not exercise so hard that they cannot hold a conversation. Women who were not active before becoming pregnant should start with no more than 15 minutes of continuous exercise three times a week, and slowly build up to four half-hour sessions a week. [br] What does "head-start"(Line 3, Para. 2)refer to?

选项 A、Something good you’ve never expected.
B、An advantage that make you be ahead of others.
C、A high level of intelligence.
D、A stimulation which can improve your health.

答案 B

解析 语义理解题。南第一段可知.母亲孕期锻炼有利于孩子大脑的成熟,对其今后的人生成长有益。结合定位句句意“(母亲孕期)锻炼会让孩子在大脑发育方面——”,可推断head—start有“优势,先机”之意,故答案为B)。A)“你从未预料到的一些好的东西”过于夸大,故排除;C)“一种较高的智力水平”和D)“提高健康状况的刺激”不符合句意,故排除。