[originaltext]M: I’ve heard that you work at a renewable energy company. Can yo

游客2023-08-24  20

M: I’ve heard that you work at a renewable energy company. Can you tell me what kind of company it is?
W: My company is a wind energy company, but there are a lot of other options.
M: What are the other options and what are the pros and cons of each option?
W: Well, let’s start off with wind. Wind energy is great.(13)It doesn’t take up a lot of space. You can have one wind machine in a very small area, but you really need some strong wind to have good output.
M: So how about the others?
W: Then you have solar energy.(14)Solar energy is great but you also need a very good location, and solar exposure is normally just a couple of hours a day, so you need a very big solar panel which takes up a lot of space. The third is geothermal energy which is great but once again depends on where you live.
M: What do you mean by saying that?
W: That means that you just get the heat inside the earth. Unfortunately, very few areas have the condition to establish productive geothermal system and it’s very expensive. There’s a lot of drilling involved.
M: What other options do you have?
W: Well, another option is bio-energy, which means using animal waste to make energy. I think it’s one of the better options but the set-up is highly expensive.
M: Yeah, it sure is.
W: The last option would be hydro-energy.(15)Hydro-energy, I think, is best in very large set-ups, run by government or by large electricity companies. It’s very expensive to set it up but once it’s set up, it’s a very, very productive way of making energy.
13. What is the advantage of wind energy?
14. What is the disadvantage of solar energy?
15. According to the woman, which one is the best choice?

选项 A、It costs too much money.
B、It needs proper heat inside the earth.
C、It depends too much on the weather.
D、It needs a lot of space.

答案 D

解析 男士询问女士其他能源时,女士回答说除了风能还有太阳能,太阳能虽然很好,但是需要安装在日照时间长的位置,而且安装太阳板需要很多空间。由此推断,太阳能这一能源受地域的限制而且占用很大的空间。