[originaltext]W: Hi, Tony. Will you go to Tom’s home to study in a group this a

游客2023-08-24  14

W: Hi, Tony. Will you go to Tom’s home to study in a group this afternoon again?
M: Oh, I’d love to, but you know, I’m an individualist and last time was really a mess.
Q: What is the man going to do?

选项 A、To study at Tom’s home.
B、To study at his home.
C、To clean Tom’s home.
D、To help the other students’ study.

答案 B

解析 女士询问男士今天下午是不是还要去Tom家学习,男士说虽然想去,但是自己是个人主义者,而且上次在Tom家学习简直是一团糟。言外之意,男士会在自己家学习。individualist意为“个人主义者”。