[originaltext]W: OK. It’ s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.M: What

游客2023-08-24  9

W: OK. It’ s your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.
M: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last turn, but your credit card failed; so I ended up paying! It’ s definitely your turn.
Q: What is true according to the conversation?

选项 A、The man is offering to pay.
B、The woman is offering to pay.
C、The man paid last time.
D、The woman paid last time.

答案 C

解析 推断题。根据男士的回答You tried to pay last rum,but your credit card failed;so I ended up paying!可知上次是男士结的账。因此,正确答案是C。