The other day I was listening to a Christian radio program on the way to the

游客2023-08-23  12

问题     The other day I was listening to a Christian radio program on the way to the gym. Each day they ask a question for their listeners to respond to, either【C1】______phone or their Facebook page, and the topic that day was "What do you【C2】______to?" The answers that listeners were sending in were simple, yet【C3】______. For example, one woman said she looked forward to having a cup of tea at night once her children were in bed.
    It got me thinking about the simple things in life. Essentially, that’ s what we all generally look forward to—the little things. A hug after a long day. A cup of something hot in the morning. The sun shining again after a rainy patch,【C4】______us to finally hang our【C5】______. A comfortable bed to【C6】______into at night. A refreshing shower. A freshly【C7】______lawn. A meal out.
    I like to see these small things as being as much a part of God’ s love for me as the bigger gifts. He sometimes sends my way. As Robert Louis Stevenson put it: "The best things in life are nearest: breath in your【C8】______, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the【C9】______of right just before you. Then do not【C10】______at the stars, but do life’ s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life."
A)seize B)upon C)via D)slide
E)look forward F)mowed G)refreshing H)nostrils
I)enabling J)anticipate K)notorious L)path
M)laundry N)estate O)grasp [br] 【C1】


答案 C

解析 根据句子结构可以推测此处要填一个表示方式的介词。分析句意可知这里讲的是:每天它给听众们提出一个问题让大家回复,要么通过电话.要么通过脸谱上的网页。在所给的选项中via有“通过,借助某种渠道”的意思,符合要求。upon一般表示“在什么之上”,没有通过的含义,因此.选via。