李白被誉为“诗仙”(the Poetic Genius)。他是一名多产的诗人,一生共创作了900多首诗。由于受到儒家思想的影响,李白胸怀远大的政治理想,

游客2023-08-22  19

问题     李白被誉为“诗仙”(the Poetic Genius)。他是一名多产的诗人,一生共创作了900多首诗。由于受到儒家思想的影响,李白胸怀远大的政治理想,这都反映在了他创作的诗中。在李白的诗中,受到高度赞扬的主要是反映如下主题的诗:描写独特自然风光的,歌唱友情的,反映黎民百姓生活的和表达对战乱的忧虑的等。李白的诗充满了个人色彩,无拘无束、自由豪放、天马行空,但是,语言却平白简朴。因此,他是中国浪漫诗歌的重要开创者。他的主要作品有《望庐山瀑布》《朝发白帝城》和《蜀道难》。


答案     Li Bai is highly honored with the title "the Poetic Genius". He is a prolific poet, composing more than 900 poems during his lifetime. Influenced by Confucian thought, he bore great political ambitions, which could be reflected in his poems. The major themes of his poems being highly praised are as follows: picturesque landscape, pure friendship, common people’s life, a great concern for war and so on. His poems are characterized by individuality, freedom, liberty, imagination combined with simple language, so he holds a significant position as one of the pioneers in Chinese romantic poems. His major works are Watching the Waterfall of Mount Lu, Departure from Baidi City at Dawn and Difficult Is the Way to Shu.
