[originaltext]M: Do you think you feel energetic enough to walk to our study gr

游客2023-08-21  15

M: Do you think you feel energetic enough to walk to our study group session tonight?
W: If there is one! I guess you haven’t heard the weather report. It’s said a foot of snow is expected.( 女士说如果有学习小组她就去,但是天气预报说会有雪,她认为不可能有学习小组了。)
Q: What does the woman imply?
M: I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith tomorrow.
W: I’m sorry. Dr. Smith went on a week vacation in Mexico, and on his way back he will be staying in California for 5 days. Let me see, he will probably be back the day after tomorrow.(Dr. Smith 去了墨西哥度假,而且回来的时候要在加利福尼亚待5 天。女士说他后天就回来,说明他现在在加利福尼亚。)
Q: Where is Dr. Smith now?

选项 A、In Mexico.
B、In California.
C、In the city.
D、In New Mexico.

答案 B
