[originaltext]W: How often do the buses run?M:Every half hour on weekdays, but

游客2023-08-21  12

W: How often do the buses run?
M:Every half hour on weekdays, but I’m not sure about weekends. There’s a schedule on the corner by the bus stop.
Q:What does the man imply?
W: We’re offering quite a few programs this fall, feel free to call any time and talk to the nurse.
M:Maybe I’ll do that. There are some things I’d like to know about the weight reduction program you’re offering.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、He’s already completed the program.
B、He doesn’t know the nurse’s phone number.
C、He doesn’t have time to call.
D、He’d like to get additional information.

答案 D

解析 这道题的关键在于弄清“I’ll do that”中的“that”指代的是“call any time andtalk to the nurse”。M之所以可能打电话是因为他想了解关于减肥项目的一些情况。与之意思相符的只有选项D。