[originaltext]W:Time really seems to go through a lot of money, doesn’t he? M:

游客2023-08-21  10

W:Time really seems to go through a lot of money, doesn’t he?
M:Like water, and he has nothing to show for it.
Q:What does the man mean?
M:I can’t even think with all that construction going on outside.
W:What this, building needs is better soundproofing.
Q:What does the woman imply?

选项 A、The construction job will probably take a long time.
B、The noise problem could be solved.
C、The man has no reason to complain.
D、The man should move to a new building.

答案 B

解析 这道题的关键是要把握construction(施工)和soundproofing(隔音)这两个词。说到施工,首先让人联想到的就是噪声,而W说,这座楼需要更好的隔音效果。与之意思接近的只有选项B。