[originaltext]W:I’m sure glad that today’s physics class is over! What did you

游客2023-08-21  12

W:I’m sure glad that today’s physics class is over! What did you think of the lecture?
M:I was lost. I couldn’t follow a word Professor Smith said.
Q: What does the man mean?
W:I can give you a ride—I’m going home this weekend anyway.
M: Thanks. But let me give you some money for gas.
Q: What does the man want to do?

选项 A、Give the woman a ride home.
B、Borrow the woman’s car to get home.
C、Take a different way home.
D、Share the expense of the drive home.

答案 D

解析 “give sb.a ride”是“载某人一程”的意思。“But”常常引导着对话的关键内容,考生在听时应格外留意。M表示要给W一些汽油钱,与之意思相符的只有选项D。