[originaltext]M:Hello. University Bocks. Tim Weber speaking.W:Hi. Tim, this is

游客2023-08-21  12

M:Hello. University Bocks. Tim Weber speaking.
W:Hi. Tim, this is Ruth.
M:Oh, hi, Ruth. What’s up?
W: Well, the Student Federation needs a couple of volunteers to give guided tours to the new students during orientation next week. Would you be able to help out?
M:That depends on the days you had in mind. I’m working here full-time before classes begin. It’s really busy now, with all the textbook orders coming in, but I do have some time off.
W:What about Saturday? Most new students arrive on the weekend.
M:Sorry, I have to work all day Saturday. How about Thursday and Friday? I’ve got both morning free.
W:I don’t have the schedule on me Ken’s got it. Maybe you can set something up with him.
M:I’ll only be able to spare a couple of hours though.
W:No problem. I’ll ask Ken to get in touch with you later today. Will you be at this number?
M:Yeah, till four Look. I’ve got to go. I have to get all the orders out before I leave today.
W: Ok, thanks, Tim. Bye.
5. Why did Ruth call Tim?
6. What does Ruth say about the new students?
7. What does Tim offer to do?
8. What will probably happen as a result of this conversation?

选项 A、Orientation will have to start sooner.
B、The bookstore will place its orders earlier.
C、Ken will call Tim about the orientation.
D、The Student Federation will meet on Fridays.

答案 C

解析 W和M在商量时间安排时,W表示时间安排表不在自己这里,而是在Ken手上。显然,要确定下来还需要Ken和M进行联系。与之意思接近的只有选项C。