
游客2023-08-19  20

问题     (jade)是一种天然的矿产,质地坚硬,色彩多样。古人认为玉能益寿延年、保佑平安,所以中国和亚洲其他国家的人们都喜欢佩戴玉制饰品。现代医学证明玉所含的矿物质的确有利于身体健康。中国许多地方都出产玉石,以新疆和田玉最为著名。在中国传统文化中,玉常常和高贵的品质联系在一起,而玉器工艺也表现出中国人民的聪明智慧和创造才能。因此,北京奥运会奖牌使用了“金镶玉”(jade inlaid)的制作工艺,向世界传播中国玉文化。


答案 Jade is a natural mineral with hard texture and various colors. Ancient people believed that jade could prolong life and keep the wearer safe, so the people of China and other Asian countries like wearing jade accessories. Modern medicine proves that the minerals contained in jade are really beneficial to health. Many places in China produce jade, and the most famous is Hetian jade in Xinjiang. In traditional Chinese culture jade is often related with noble quality and jade craft shows the wisdom and creativity of Chinese people. Therefore, medals of Beijing Olympic Games were made by using the craft of jade inlaid to spread Chinese jade culture to the world.

解析 1.第一句中“质地坚硬”和“色彩多样”这类四字格的“名词+形容词”结构,翻译成英文时常常用“with+形容词+名词”的形式表达;或者用“形容词+in+名词”的处理方法,再用定语从句与前面的名词连接起来,比如“质地坚硬”和“色彩多样”也可翻译成“that is hard in texture and various in color”。
2.第三句中“玉所含的矿物质”用the minerals contained in jade表达,将原文的前置定语后置,更符合英文的表达习惯。
4.最后一句中,“奥运会奖牌使用了……工艺”是典型的汉语表达,形式上是主动句,但意义上却表被动,翻译成英文时,要把暗含的被动语态翻译出来;第二个短句“向世界传播玉文化”可用不定式短语to spread…来表达。