An explosion had thrown radioman Harley Olson out of bed. He worked wildly,

游客2023-08-18  8

问题     An explosion had thrown radioman Harley Olson out of bed. He worked wildly, trying to【C1】______an SOS. But the power was gone. Harley ran on deck. The crew was【C2】______into lifeboats. There was no room for him. He had no choice but to jump into the black water and start to swim. Suddenly, in the darkness, his fingers hit something hard. It was a life raft. Climbing【C3】______. Harley called out again and again. But no one answered. Soon his first feeling of【C4】______left him. In one way he was lucky. The raft had enough food and water for 15 men for several weeks.
    At daybreak, Harley saw some little boxes【C5】______by. He fished one out of the sea. Chewing gum. Quickly, he【C6】______in 20 small cartons. In the afternoon, Harley【C7】______another raft he tied it to his own. Later, a third raft bobbed up. And then a mattress floated by him in the wreckage. Harley could hardly believe his eyes. Here was the start of a bed room. He tugged the mattress aboard. Using boxes, he made himself a bed. With a blanket, he made a【C8】______from the hot sun. the next morning, he ate like a king. The sea was always peaceful. Every day was like a vacation. When the sun got hot, the carefree sailor took a swim, after that, he enjoyed a sunbath. Each evening, before going to bed, he went for a walk on the two rafts floating behind. Harley Olson was【C9】______with his Kingdom on the sea. The【C10】______trip lasted 28 days.
A)pleasure B)hauled C)radio D)launch E)scrambling
F)sight G)panic H)dimension I)aboard J)floating
K)intensively L)spotted M)superior N)delighted O)shade [br] 【C4】


答案 G

解析 根据句子结构“his first feeling of______left him.”此空需填入一个名词。根据前文他们发出SOS求救信号逃生,说明他们处于一种险境,心情是比较害怕的,再根据后文上了救生艇后,很幸运他们有足够的食物和水可以生存,所以前后是相反的状态,选项中只有名词panic“恐慌”符合文意。