[originaltext]W: This is Lisa Meyer in the WBZ newsroom, talking with Mike Bass

游客2023-08-18  12

W: This is Lisa Meyer in the WBZ newsroom, talking with Mike Bassichis, who is the director of the Gif-ford School, about the cleanup from last week’s fire and what the possible cause of that blaze may have been.
M: We’re getting ready for our entire staff to return early from vacation tomorrow whereupon we are going to move into temporary classrooms. And the other buildings that did not burn are being de-smoked. As to the cause of the fire, all we know is that we were having trouble with the pilot lights since we bought the stove in July and it had been serviced three times. Well, as a matter of fact, we think it was a malfunctioning stove that may have caused the fire. Nothing definite yet has been determined.
W: Have you heard from other schools or other institutional users of this stove that have had the same problem?
M: No. I wouldn’t know anything more about the stove itself. All I know is that this fire went up so quickly that there’s been a suspicion about why it went up so quickly. And it may be that there was a gas blast. But, again, this has not been determined officially by anybody.
W: I got you. When do kids come back to school?
M: Next Monday, and we will be ready for them. Monday January 4. We’re just extremely thrilled that no one was hurt and that’s because of the fire fighters that were here, nine of them. They’re wonderful.
W: And I’m sure you send your thanks out to them, uh?
M: Well, we’re sending out thanks to them in a letter or in any other way we can. I heard a story today where one of our kids actually baked some cookies and is taking it to the fire department, to give it to them.
5. What were the speakers talking about?
6. What were the school staff doing at the time of the accident?
7. What was supposed to be the cause of the accident?
8. What did one of the kids do to show gratitude?

选项 A、The injury of some students.
B、A school bus crash on the way.
C、The collapse of a school building.
D、A fire that broke out on a school campus.

答案 D

解析 对话开头女士便表明一起聊天的是学校的校长,内容是关于上周的火灾,接着对话中女士详细问询了关于这场校园火灾的各种情况。因此选D项“一场发生在学校校园的火灾”。对话提到没有学生受伤,故A项“一些学生的受伤情况”错误;B项“在路上撞车的校巴”在对话中未提及;学校的建筑物是起火而不是倒塌,所以排除C项“学校建筑物的倒塌”。