
游客2023-08-16  41

问题     温泉的水温、流动时产生的机械冲击作用和水中所含丰富的矿物质成分使其具有了独特的保健功效。泡温泉不仅可以放松身心、消除疲劳、松弛神经、缓解压力,还可润滑肌肤、安神养颜、加速血液循环、促进人体新陈代谢,有利于人体健康。据健康专家分析,泡温泉对现在脑力劳动者的“亚健康”(sub—healthy)状态有较为明显的疗效,并将泡温泉与劳逸结合、进行有氧运动并列为消除、预防“亚健康”状态的三大良好生活习惯。


答案     The mechanical shock effect made by the water flows, together with the water temperature and the abundant mineral substances in the water, endows the hot spring with unique healthgiving benefits. Bathing in the hot spring can help you relax, eliminate fatigue, calm your nerves, relieve your pressure, lubricate your skins, relieve your uneasiness, maintain your beauty, accelerate your blood circulation, and enhance your metabolism. Based on an analysis of health experts, bathing in the hot spring has an obvious effect on the mental workers who are in the state of sub-healthy. And, together with "Fatigue and Rest" and "Aerobic Exercise", "Bathing in the hot spring" has been listed as one of the three good living habits for eliminating and preventing the state of sub-healthy.
