[originaltext] Some of the most practical lessons coming out of research in
[originaltext] Some of the most practical lessons coming out of research in
Some of the most practical lessons coming out of research in psychology are the area of memory. People ask, why can’t I remember that term from the physical chapter or the date my library books in due? Well for a lot of people, memory may be weak, because they don’t use it enough. It’s like a muscle, if you don’t exercise it, it won’t stay strong. That’s why it’s important to keep our mind active, to keep on learning throughout our life. We can do this by reading, playing memory games and seeking out new experiences. It’ s my guess though that the lack of mental stimulation isn’ t a problem for students like you. More likely, the life you are now leading is so busy and stimulating that it may sometime interfere with learning. Later on we will be discussing how information is recalled from memory. But, first, the information needs to be recorded, in other words, learned. And for busy people like you and me, that will be the real problem. If we are distracted, or we are trying to think what we are going to do next, the incoming message just might not be getting recorded effectively. And that leads to the first tip for students who want to improve their memories. Give your full attention to the information you hope to retain. Research clearly shows the advantages of this, and also of active learning, of consciously trying to visualize a new fact, perhaps to make a mental picture, even a wildly ridiculous one, so the new fact will stick in memory. Let me illustrate that for you here a little more concretely.
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 19 to 21.
19. What does the speaker illustrate with the example of muscle?
20. What does the speaker suggest students do to learn new information more effectively?
21. What will the speaker probably do next?
A、The need to exercise the memory.
B、How the brain differs from other body tissues.
C、The unconscious learning of a physical activity.
D、How nerves control body movement.
细节题。根据memory may be weak,because they don’t use it enough.It’s like a muscle,if you don’t exercise it,it won’t stay strong可知,引用肌肉的例子是为了说明记忆力也需要不断地练习。因此,正确答案为A。
用动平衡法进行动力分析时,其中的惯性力( )。A、实际上不存在 B、实际就作
真菌性脓毒症临床表现中,不包括A.突然发生寒战、高热 B.周围血象常可出现类白
《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》规定:突发事件应急工作应当遵循的原则是( )。A.
曲线()。A、仅有水平渐近线y=0 B、仅有铅直渐近线x=2 C、既有水平
下列选项中,不属于针对应付账款的实质性程序的是( )。A.对应付账款实施函证程序