春联(Spring Festival couplets)是中国独特文化的一部分,有着悠久的历史。贴春联是中国民间庆祝春节的第一件事情。每当春节将近的时候,

游客2023-08-14  45

问题    春联(Spring Festival couplets)是中国独特文化的一部分,有着悠久的历史。贴春联是中国民间庆祝春节的第一件事情。每当春节将近的时候,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精心挑选一副红春联贴于门上,辞旧迎新,增加喜庆的节日气氛。对联由富有诗意而又押韵的两句话组成。上联(the first line of a couplet)贴在前门的右侧,下联贴在前门的左侧,横批(the horizontal scroll)横着贴在门框上。人们常用春联来描绘美好形象,抒发美好愿望。传统春联是用毛笔书写,但现在通常是用机器制作。


答案    Spring Festival couplets are part of Chinese unique culture with a long history. To stick couplets is the first thing for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival. When the Spring Festival is approaching, every household in both urban and rural areas will carefully select a pair of red couplets and paste them on the door to ring out the old year and ring in the new as well as to enhance the festive holiday atmosphere. Couplets are composed of a pair of poetic and rhyming lines. The first line of a couplet is posted on the right side of the front door, while the second line on the left side, with the horizontal scroll being posted on top of the doorframe. People often use Spring Festival couplets to portray the beautiful images and deliver good wishes. The traditional Spring Festival couplets are written with a brush, but they are usually made by machines nowadays.

解析 1.第一句有两个谓语动词,即“是”和“有着”,可将其中的“有着”译为with短语,即with a long history。
3.第三句中,“当……将近的时候”,除了译为approach,还可译为be near或be around the corner。
4.“辞旧迎新”的翻译是关键点,较为常见的译法是ring out the old year and ring in the new,此外还可译为farewell to the old and usher in the new。