Drought, tsunami, violent crime, financial meltdown—the world is full of ris

游客2023-08-14  18

问题     Drought, tsunami, violent crime, financial meltdown—the world is full of risks. The poor are often most【C1】______ to their effects. Instead of【C2】______ responding to crises, aid workers and policymakers should anticipate and help to guard against such rare and【C3】______ disastrous events.
    After the world suffered major crises in 2008, the concept of risk management has gained【C4】______ in international development. The links between risk, livelihoods and poverty are all too clear. Mounting evidence shows that【C5】______ shocks—above all, health and weather shocks and economic crises—play a major role in pushing households below the poverty line and keeping them there.
    But forward-thinking interventions can help【C6】______ the costs of future shocks. Bangladesh offers a good example. In 1970, a large typhoon caused 300,000 deaths in Bangladesh. In 2007, a typhoon of the same【C7】______ and strength caused only 4,000 deaths. The reason for the change was that the country had built a number of shelters.
    It went from having only 12 shelters in 1970 to having 2,500 in 2007. It also had a system of warning the population and a system of【C8】______ these events.
    But risk management isn’t just about lessening the effects of crises; it can also help people get ahead. Farmers in Ghana and India who had access to rainfall insurance were more likely to【C9】______ in fertilizer, seeds, and other farming inputs, the report said, instead of sitting on their money to guard against potential future shocks.
    Several recent studies have predicted that extreme events will become more common. If we fail to anticipate and plan for those events, then we could【C10】______ giving up many of the development gains made over the past few decades.
A) forecasting B) prominence C) optimum D) vulnerable
E) guidelines F) motivate G) simply H) risk
I) adverse J) invest K) offset L) paralyzing
M) potentially N) primarily O) characteristics [br] 【C6】


答案 K

解析 此处需填入动词原形,构成help(to)do sth.。根据下文所举例子(孟加拉两次台风造成的伤亡)可知,超前干预可以减少未来遭受的损失,offset“抵消,补偿”符合句意。