Utopia is a perfect place. It is a place without war, hunger, poverty, or cr
Utopia is a perfect place. It is a place without war, hunger, poverty, or cr
Utopia is a perfect place. It is a place without war, hunger, poverty, or crime. It is a place where the people work together and share. There is no money in Utopia because the people do not need money. They do not have personal possessions because everything belongs to everyone. All of the people are equal in Utopia, and the laws are all fair.
Utopia is not a new place. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, described a perfect society in his famous dialogue The Republic. In Plato’s Republic, philosophers were the kings, and every person had a place in the society. In 1516, Sir Thomas More wrote about an island in the Pacific Ocean where everything was perfect. He named the island "Utopia" In 1872, Samuel Butler wrote a novel about a perfect country which he named "Erehwon": "Utopia" is a Greek word that means "not a place" and "Erehwon" is the English word "nowhere" spelled backwards.
Many people came to the New World to find Utopia The Shakers, a religious group, wanted to live like the first Christians. The Shakers started their first community in New York in 1776. George Rapp, a German farmer, came to the United States in 1804 to start a Utopian community. In 1815, Rapp and his followers bought land for their community in Harmony, Indiana, and they made the things they needed with machines. In 1824, they sold the community to Robert Owen, who started the Utopian community of New Harmony there. In New Harmony, everything belonged to everyone and men and women were equal, but New Harmony lasted only two years. Then Francis Wright began Nashoba, a community where white people and black people could live and work together, near Memphis, Tennessee. Nashoba lasted from 1825 to 1830. A group of intellectuals founded Brook Farm, a Utopian farming community, in 1841. However, they did not have many farming skills, so the farm closed in 1847. Four years later, Josiah Warren set up Modern Times, an anarchist community near New York City. It closed in 1857.
Utopia is a perfect place, but it is not a real place. Most "real" Utopias last only a short time. This is because everyone wants to live in Utopia, but no one knows how to make it work. As a result, when we say something is "Utopian" today, we mean that it is a good idea but it is not realistic. [br] It can be inferred from the second paragraph that______.
A、Utopia is a word created by Thomas More
B、Utopia has the same concept as "Erehwon"
C、Thomas More named the island "Utopia" because he was Greek
D、the characteristics of Utopia were first mentioned in The Republic
适宜于秋季进行的学前儿童科学教育活动的是观察( )。A.雾和霜 B.落叶树
上述检查法适于下列哪项检查 A.深部滑行触诊 B.深压触诊 C.双手触诊
为外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病患者做阴道灌洗,宜选择的药液是A.生理盐水 B.1:50
提高出车时间利用系数的有效途径是()。 A.压缩商务作业时间 B.提高车辆技
需设置电流互感器的地点是() A.电压互感器回路;B.发电机和变压器中性点及
与动脉粥样硬化症发病关系最密切的是() A.乳糜颗粒 B.低密度脂蛋白 C