[originaltext]Now we’ve been talking about the revolutionary period in the Unit
[originaltext]Now we’ve been talking about the revolutionary period in the Unit
Now we’ve been talking about the revolutionary period in the United States history when the colonies wanted to separate from England. I’d like to mention one point about the very famous episode from that period, a point I think is pretty relevant even today. [19] I’m sure you remember, from when you are children, the story of Paul Revere’s famous horseback ride to the Massachusetts countryside. In that version, he single-headily alerted the people that “the British were coming”. We have this image of us solitary rider galloping along in the dark from one farm house to another. And of course the story emphasized the courage of one man, made him a hero in our history books, right? But, that rather romantic version of the story is not what actually happened that night. In fact, [20] that version misses the most important point entirely. Paul Revere was only one of the many riders helping deliver the message that night. Just one part of a pre-arrange plan, that was thought out well in advance in preparation for just such an emergency. I don’t mean to diminish Revere’s role though. [21] He was actually an important organizer and promoter of this group effort for freedom. His mid-night riders didn’t just go knocking on farm house doors. They also awaken the institutions of New England. They went from town to town and engage the town leaders, the military commanders and volunteer groups, even church leaders, people who would then continue to spread the word. My point is that Paul Revere and his political party understood, probably more clearly than later generations ever have, that political institutions are there as a kind of medium for the will of people and also to both build on and support individual action. [22] They knew the success requires careful planning and organization. The way they went about the work that night made a big difference in the history of this country.
1.Where did Paul Revere go during his famous horseback ride?
2.What is the most important point of that version?
3.Which one is not Paul Revere’s role?
4.What was required in the success of the famous episode?
A、The courage of one man.
B、Individualistic heroism.
C、The town leaders, the military commanders and volunteer groups.
D、Careful planning and organization.
正常月经周期妇女,黄体的正常寿命应为A.6~7天 B.12~16天 C.22
如图3所示,图中的有核细胞为( )。 A.嗜碱性杆状粒细胞 B.嗜碱性晚幼
社会工作的研究报告可以分为()。A.论证报告 B.评估报告 C.普通报
个人住房贷款的下限利率水平为相应期限档次贷款基准利率的( )倍。A.0.9 B
视网膜中的( )视细胞层是直接接受光刺激的感受器。A.最里边一层 B.中
现浇箱梁的模板组成有()。A.底模 B.面模 C.侧模 D.内模 E.