For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled China’

游客2023-08-10  14

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled China’s Internet Celebrity. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1.


答案 China’ s Internet Celebrity
(1) China’s internet celebrity industry has expanded in recent years, as (2) social media personalities get skilled at   (3) converting their influence into cash.
Therefore a growing number of people (4) attempt to be a internet celebrity.
(5) On the one hand, the education levels of online celebrities are rising. Being more professional and well-educated, the online celebrities are (6) offering more diversified, personalised and professional content, so that viewers can acquire much knowledge and (7) enrich their life. (8) On the other hand, many teenagers turn their attention from school to dream of becoming an online celebrity. They believe that it is an easy way to earn much money without hard working. It is concerned that their (9) addiction to social media will interfere with acquiring knowledge and real-life skills, leaving them with absolutely no life skills once their online followers forget about them.
(10) As for me, some measures should be taken by not only parents and schools, but also by the government to prevent the young from addicting to such social media and helping them build positive values.

解析     (1)由现状引出话题。
    (2)social media personalities意为“社交媒体人士”。
    (3)convening their influence into cash意为“将影响力转化为金钱”。
    (4)attempt to do sth.意为“企图,尝试做某事”。
    (6)offering more diversified,personalised and professional content意为“提供更多多样化、个性化和专业化的内容”。
    (7)enrich their life意为“丰富他们的生活”。
    (9)addiction to social media意为“沉迷于社交网络”。