
游客2023-08-08  38

问题   春节是中国最重要的节日,根据传统习惯,每年农历十二月二十四日在门上、墙上和窗户上粘贴年画是庆祝的开始。这些年画能够表达人们的欢乐和对来年的期待。传统的年画主要运用亮丽的色彩和强烈的对比,描述当地人的生活和习俗。著名的年画如“胖娃娃”“五谷丰登”以及“年年有余”已经在中国流行了数百年。但是在今天,这些年画已经很难在上海这样的大城市找到,上海曾经还是年画生产和消费兴旺的地方。一些人认为,年画的消失不可避免。


答案   The Spring Festival, China’s most important festival, begins its annual celebrations with the posting of New Year pictures on the doors, walls and windows on the 24th day of the 12th month in the lunar calendar according to tradition. The pictures can convey people’s delight and expectations for the coming new year. Traditional New Year pictures mainly feature local people’s life and customs with intense colors and strong contrasts. Famous pictures like "Fat Baby", "Abundant Harvest of All Food Crops" and "Surplus Every Year" have been prevailing across China for hundreds of years. Nonetheless, today, these pictures can hardly be found in some modern metropolises like Shanghai, which was once a prosperous place for New Year picture manufacture and consumption. Some think that the disappearance of New Year pictures is unavoidable.
